The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World

Our Earth is on the brink of disaster. The spirit guide, Joseph, issues a crucial call in his new book, revealing how our collective consciousness, The Field, is overrun by negativity, threatening catastrophic outcomes within three generations. By embracing personal responsibility and employing specific tools for change, including uplifting meditations and directing Light, we can transform our reality. Joseph stresses the urgent need to infuse our world with positivity to restore its original paradisiacal state. The time to act is now; we have the power to save our planet through enlightenment and renewal.

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About the Author: Michael G. Reccia
Trance medium Michael G. Reccia has served the international community professionally for over 27 years and strongly believes that the true purpose of spirit communication is not simply to provide evidence of life after death but also to offer a blueprint for a better life before death by communicating contemporary, non-denominational, yet highly spiritual insights that make a vital, positive difference to the individual and to the World.

Joseph, Michael's communicator, is a highly evolved being who is deeply worried about the present state of mankind and about future scenarios if we continue to steer this path. He returns to deliver, through Michael, life-changing spiritual information from higher levels of consciousness regarding both personal and global enlightenment. Joseph's books contain all the information needed to transform ourselves and our planet before it's too late.

Michael regards the Joseph Communications to be his most important contribution to spiritual awareness to date.

Further information can be found at:
Time is running out - our Earth is heading for cataclysm. In this vitally important, spiritually empowering new book the highly evolved spirit guide, Joseph, reveals how each of us can literally save the world ...before it's too late.

We need to change and accept personal responsibility now - or Joseph warns there are only three generations left. 'The Field' (or collective consciousness we live in) has become so polluted by mankind's negative energy and base vibrations over the millennia that the planet cannot sustain itself for much longer ...unless radical changes are made to the way we think.

It is our responsibility as co-creators to renew the Field by infusing the collective consciousness with sufficient Light to redress the balance and return the planet to the paradise it originally was. Illumination provides all the 'tools' to achieve both personal and global enlightenment by giving the reader empowering concepts, uplifting meditations and effective ways of directing Light to transmute our negativity and suffering into harmony, joy, love, peace and spiritual progression.

All that is needed to save the planet is for enough of us to reconnect to the Light within and to send it out into this illusion we call 'reality', but there is a great urgency to Joseph's words - we do not have an infinite number of tomorrows in which to put things right. We need to begin now.

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