The King of the Dark Chamber

In "Sings," we explore the realm where everyone is a king under the supreme King, reflecting the divine interconnection between freedom and divine guidance. This narrative dismisses the chains of fear, emphasizing self-honor as a reflection of honoring the Supreme. Through the journey of struggle and discovery, we find our path aligns with the divine, ensuring we never lose our way in darkness. The essence of the divine is carried in our hearts, enabling us to see the beloved everywhere, transcending physical distances to connect deeply with the divine through the soul's eyes.

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We are all Kings in the kingdom of our King.

Were it not so, how could we hope in our heart to meet him!

We do what we like, yet we do what he likes;

We are not bound with the chain of fear at the feet of a slave-owning King.

Were it not so, how could we hope in our heart to meet him!

Our King honours each one of us, thus honours his own very self.

No littleness can keep us shut up in its walls of untruth for aye.

Were it not so, how could we have hope in our heart to meet him!

We struggle and dig our own path, thus reach his path at the end.

We can never get lost in the abyss of dark night.

Were it not so, how could we hope in our heart to meet him!


My beloved is ever in my heart

That is why I see him everywhere,

He is in the pupils of my eyes

That is why I see him everywhere.

I went far away to hear his own words,.....

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Price: $2.99 USD


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