Embark on an exploration through the Bible to uncover the profound practice of laying on of hands. This journey delves into its historical context, significance, and diverse applications across Biblical narratives. Discover its role in healing, blessing, and ordaining, and its spiritual significance in the Bible.

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About the Author: clayton cuffy
I am a Christian of 29 years and a USMC veteran. I am not married and have no kids. I came into Christianity during the Word Movement. So I was studying the bible with such teachers as: Kenneth E. Hagan, R.W. Schambach, Frederick K. C. Price, Kenneth Copeland, Charles Capps, and the like.
I attended Bible school by mail through home study as their was no Internet back then. This was so I could continue to serve in the church.
This book is really an edited down version of a paper I did for bible school. People that have read it state that I should make it available for all to read.
I pray the God of Heaven keep you and my Hope is that you find a blessing herein.

Thank you .
Clayton Cuffy
Take a journey through the Bible and investigate the significance of the laying on of hands.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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