The Life-Story of Insects

Insects predominantly inhabit land and air, highlighted by their winged nature and unique respiratory system involving branching air-tubes for oxygen delivery. They breathe through spiracles along their body. Yet, intriguingly, some insects like aquatic beetles and water-bugs also thrive underwater, cleverly protecting their spiracles while submerged. These insects, capable of flight, seamlessly transition between aquatic environments and the air above.

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Insects as a whole are preeminently creatures of the land and the air. This is shown not only by the possession of wings by a vast majority of the class, but by the mode of breathing to which reference has already been made (p. 2), a system of branching air-tubes carrying atmospheric air with its combustion-supporting oxygen to all the insect's tissues. The air gains access to these tubes through a number of paired air-holes or spiracles, arranged segmentally in series.

It is of great interest to find that, nevertheless, a number of insects spend much of their time under water. This is true of not a few in the perfect winged state, as for example aquatic beetles and water-bugs ('boatmen' and 'scorpions') which have some way of protecting their spiracles when submerged, and, possessing usually the power of flight, can pass on occasion from pond or stream to upper air. .....

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