The Lost Rocks: The Dare Stones and the Unsolved Mystery of Sir Walter Raleigh's Lost Colony

What if the 1587 Lost Colony of Roanoke was never lost but instead, its survivors ventured to Georgia? This theory arose in the 1930s with the discovery of the Dare Stones, claiming Eleanor Dare and a few settlers survived an Indian attack and trekked to Georgia, leaving behind a tale etched in stone. David La Vere intertwines the enigmatic journey of the Dare Stones with the story of Roanoke, presenting a riveting narrative that challenges historical legend and ignites the imagination. Did the discovery of these stones finally solve America's oldest mystery?

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About the Author: David La Vere
David La Vere is a former Marine from New Orleans who teaches Native American history at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. He is an award-winning author and has written five other books on Native American History. He has also written numerous articles for Our State North Carolina magazine and has been a contributing author to two Our State Press publications. La Vere is an entertaining public speaker and gives talks around North Carolina on the Dare Stones and the Lost Colony as well on other aspects of Native American History.
What if the 1587 Lost Colony of Roanoke was not lost? What if the survivors left Roanoke Island, North Carolina and found their way to Georgia? That is the scenario scholars contemplated when a series of engraved stones were found in the 1930's. The first, found near the Chowan River in North Carolina, claimed that Eleanor Dare and a few other settlers had made their way inland after an Indian attack wiped out the rest of the colony. Among the dead were Eleanor's daughter, Virginia Dare, the first English child born in North America, and Eleanor's husband Ananias. The remaining Dare Stones, more than forty in number, told a fantastic tale of how Eleanor and the survivors made their way overland, first to South Carolina, and then to Georgia. If true, North Carolina stood to lose one of its most cherished historical legends. Author David La Vere weaves the story of the Dare Stones with that of the Lost Colony of Roanoke in a tale that will fire your imagination and give you pause at the same time. In this true story that shook the world during the 1930s and early 1940s, the question on everyone's mind was: Had the greatest American mystery -- the Lost Colony -- finally been solved?

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