The Mustang Chronicles Volume 1: Rockett '68 (Second Edition)

THE MUSTANG CHRONICLES, VOL. 1: ROCKETT '68 is a literary adventure blending lyrical prose with action-packed storytelling. Set in the heart of the 1960s, the novel delves into the era's vibrant culture, the revolution of counterculture, and the allure of cars and music. Written in the first-person present tense, it presents its protagonist in shades of heroism and villainy, leaving judgement to the reader. This non-linear narrative eschews typical storytelling for a richly detailed homage to 60s pop Americana, leading to a fantastical end. Perfect for both aficionados and casual readers seeking depth and a challenge. Prepare for a journey through a pivotal time in American history, where every page reveals deeper meanings.

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About the Author: Daimon Saint Jaimes
DAIMON ST. JAIMES is a first-time novelist who honed his writing and content-development tradecraft while working as a technical writer, designer, developer, editor, publisher, analyst, webmaster, programmer, freelance contractor, and entrepreneur.

DSJ has created and published an array of creative and technical content for companies large and small, including major corporations in the technology, finance, telecom, and energy sectors. Some suspect that along the way, he may have morphed into a dark-leaning wizard given his long years spent abusing Adobe Apps—mercilessly pummeling them into submission to achieve his creative madness or impossible deadline of the moment.

DSJ is passionate about good fiction, good writing, and good design. He gets "geeked out" over great content, can be persnickety about pronoun and preposition choice, and a pain-in-the-ass about precise meaning. He's happy to finally share TMC Vol. 1 with the world after three years and countless pro-bono hours spent imagining, plotting, writing, developing characters, settings and storylines, researching, structuring, editing, creating artwork, building the website, and coaxing it all to fruition.

DSJ has said on occasion that Camaros "Taste like chicken," and he looks forward to one day actually seeing the back end of one. A Camaro, that is.
THE MUSTANG CHRONICLES, VOL. 1: ROCKETT '68 is a literary, lyrical action novel written in the Picaresque tradition. The story unfolds from the perspective of the hero, or villain depending on your opinion about such matters, in the first-person present tense. Gripping, taut prose intertwines with more lyrical passages like a singular wine perfectly paired with its course. For connoisseurs and casual readers alike, this novel serves up a savory, stimulating read.

TMC Vol. 1 takes place at the zenith of 1960's America and explores the zeitgeist, counterculture, cars, and music that defined a generation and indelibly influenced American culture. TMC Vol. 1 pays homage to 1960's pop Americana in fascinating detail, all the while moving readers inexorably toward the novel's fantastical conclusion. Keep your eyes peeled and intellect at the ready—deeper meaning, subtlety, and nuance abound.

The novel's episodic style eschews linear constraints, along with the well-worn flat trajectory from introduction to conclusion whence all tangents are neatly tied together and presented dutifully at the end—not unlike a dog presenting a ball to his master for a routine game of fetch. You will find no such mundanity in The Mustang Chronicles, Vol. 1: Rockett '68.

Just read it. You'll be glad you did.

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .mobi

Price: $6.99 USD


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