The Mystery and Miracle of New Birth

Redemption is available to humanity through Jesus Christ, offering salvation as a free gift. However, the path to a true relationship with God demands more than a casual approach to faith. It involves being born again and adhering to biblical principles, beyond mere church attendance or mission work. Believers must fully embrace Scripture, avoiding selective obedience. This book emphasizes the individual's journey in Christ, asserting that true sons and daughters of God live by the entirety of God's Word, highlighting the personal transformation over denominational allegiance. It's a call to understand and practice sound doctrine.

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About the Author: Uche C Ekeh
Uche C. Ekeh is an ordained minister with Goodnews Community International Victory Center in Columbia, South Carolina. Rev. Ekeh is a graduate of the University of the District of Columbia, in Washington, DC; Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA; Columbia International University and University of South Carolina, SC. Rev. Ekeh has three girls, Princess Jemimah, Karen Nkechinyere, and Hannah Udo, and one son, Uche Prince.
Redemption for all of humanity has been made available to all through one Man—Jesus Christ. Salvation is a free and unmerited gift to man from the throne of grace. Nonetheless, the price of the cross was, indeed, costly. A true relationship with God— through—Jesus Christ involves more than following a "free-style" doctrine. Jesus said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God" (Jn. 3:3). The immediate goal of being born-again is to see the Kingdom of God. Yet, there is an issue of blindness among believers that must be resolved. It is not enough be saved, join a church, or even to become a missionary, although these are noble things.

Undeniably, there is a distinct journey for each individual in Christ, but one thing that applies to all Christians is the need for obedient adherence to the principles in the Scriptures. While some may practice a permissive theology, the true sons and daughters of God ought not to "cherry-pick" through the Scriptures to find what they are willing to apply in their own lives. Reject one part of the Word of God and you must reject it all—or else—embrace it all and live it!

The institutional church, with its numerous denominations, has no soul to be transformed, but each believer does. Jesus died to save individual believers not denominational entities. God adopts common individuals and they become His unique sons and daughters. The Mystery and Miracle of New Birth is for believers who desire to know and practice sound biblical doctrine—because doctrine matters.

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