The ONE Factor: How ONE Changes Everything

In "The One Factor," discover the powerful impact of individual action. Explore stories of people making a significant difference in their world, illustrating the profound influence of one person, moment, investment, or vision. This book reveals the Source of this transformative factor and invites you to join the movement. Be inspired to believe that YES, one person can truly change the world.

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About the Author: Doug Sauder
Doug was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He attended Florida International University and received a bachelor's and master's degree in education. Previously, Doug worked as a teacher and coach before becoming a youth pastor. Doug joined the staff of Calvary in January 2000 where he served as a family pastor and President of 4KIDS of South Florida. Doug currently serves as Lead Pastor at Calvary Chapel, joining Calvary's Board of Directors in May of 2014. Doug and his wife, Suzanne, have three sons: Jackson, Kaden and Kennedy who attend Calvary Christian Academy. To relax, Doug enjoys a good book, a cup of coffee with friends, or an intense game of basketball or chess.
Can one person really make a difference in the world?

The answer is a resounding YES!

The One Factor traces the impact of a single person, moment, investment and vision as it uncovers the Source of the one factor.

In The ONE Factor you'll read stories of people who are changing their world. You're invited to join the conversation.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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