The Poker Player Game Strategies for Beginners

This book debunks the myth that gamblers reign supreme in chip management, offering strategies for novice poker players to excel. It teaches aggressive betting to counter gambler's tactics and disrupt their strategies, aiming to secure the upper hand and last betting action. Highlighting the distinction between risk-prone gamblers and disciplined players, it guides beginners to maximize profits through strategic betting and managing opponents' value range assessments. Beyond techniques, it addresses gambling addiction and its effect on the game, providing a holistic approach to becoming a savvy player.

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About the Author: Art Stovall
Dr. Arthur Stovall was born June 25, 1941, in a small town, Magnolia, Arkansas with a 10000 population. He earned a Doctorate Degree from Walden University, MBA from Webster University and Criminal Justice Degree from Park University. Dr. Stovall also, has an idea of how to address and resolve the past and present affirmative action issues through a poker sport's game player concept.

He spent many years working in training and development for the Federal Government as a document analyst within that system for more than 34 years. He was awarded the coveted who's who in Sociology, for his inspiring social research style. His first book for an example is titled: The Last Remnants of Slavery: An African American Dilemma. In it he identifies what is required from African Americans to reduce the number of their youth supervised by the Criminal Justice System (CJS) and reduce the recidivism rates. His professional experience includes over 25 years of analyzing social issues while working in a variety of mental health and substance abuse treatment settings and Criminal Justice transition program for inmates returning to their communities. He has taught sociology courses at the college level for more than ten years. He believes that poverty issues in Black communities are related to historical social related issues that can be resolved through the introduction of the poker tournament as a sport's game. These young sports mine game players' acceptance for the poker sport’s game player’s concept and required training is essential as a social economic strategy to resolve the deep-rooted, historical based denials of past events and deal with these historical realities, through a sports related social and economic non gambling poker sport's game. Such a system exist in Dr. Stovall's poker books the Poker Player Game, Strategies for Beginners and tournament poker: an emotional contact sport promoted as a means to enhance young sports minded youth's social, economic and political status.

In the book the social stigma of gambling is debunked and he provides the analytical research that presents the improved synergistic advantage functioning as a fire wall that's difficult for an opponent to breach. This is a system that fuses strategy, defensive aggression and offensive progressive gaming into a choice based decision making strategy that offers a pathway out of the continued "poverty pattern" that has continued since the emancipation procuration singed in the year 1863.
The contents of this book serve as anecdote to the widely held views that the gambler is always the best chip manager. Employing the rules of the poker player game and strategies in this book will enable the novice player to become a chip manager that rivals even the professional who plays the poker game as a sport. The player that uses an aggressive betting attack strategy designed a: to counter the gambler's inappropriate aggression and b: to change the sequence of a gambler's strategy executions, which should cause gamblers to throw their starting cards in the dead card stack. Strategies in this book, when applied successfully, allows a player the privilege of taking a principal position that provides the advantage of the last betting action. These pre and post flop continuation betting strategies reduce gambling opponents value range assessment for a positive chip-gathering effort. Though there are more than one gambler in a game; these rules of engagement are presented for beginning players to improve their potential or profits. The difference between the gamblers and players' are that gamblers take unnecessary risk without regard for value range assessments for positive chip-gathering efforts. The player on the other hand is self-disciplined, patient and focused while waiting to go after the highly populated pots with many chips. This book surpasses all others in that it deals with the humanistic input, gambling addiction and the impact on the sport's game player's positive chip-gathering efforts.

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