The Post Office

Madhav is overwhelmed by his affection for a mysterious visitor, whose presence has become central to his happiness. As the visitor falls ill, Madhav seeks a physician's advice, desperate for reassurance. The doctor, citing medical texts, offers vague prognostics, stressing the importance of careful tending without specifying how. Madhav is left anxious, tasked with ensuring the patient remains indoors, a challenge he acknowledges but is determined to undertake for the sake of the visitor's health.

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[Madhav's House]

Madhav. What a state I am in! Before he came, nothing mattered; I felt so free. But now that he has come, goodness knows from where, my heart is filled with his dear self, and my home will be no home to me when he leaves. Doctor, do you think he—

Physician. If there's life in his fate, then he will live long. But what the medical scriptures say, it seems—

Madhav. Great heavens, what?

Physician. The scriptures have it: "Bile or palsey, cold or gout spring all alike."

Madhav. Oh, get along, don't fling your scriptures at me; you only make me more anxious; tell me what I can do.

Physician [Taking snuff] The patient needs the most scrupulous care.

Madhav. That's true; but tell me how.

Physician. I have already mentioned, on no account must he be let out of doors.

Madhav Poor child, it is very hard to keep him indoors all day long.

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