The Right One: A Novel

In a twist of fate and love, a woman recounts her journey through tumultuous relationships, only to find that true love was hiding in plain sight. Navigating through promises and secrets, she learns that everyone carries hidden depths. Her quest for the perfect partner unveils the importance of seeing beyond the facade. The least expected person emerges as her true love, teaching her to appreciate what's always been there. This tale is a reminder that sometimes, real love comes from enduring friendship. Warning: Contains erotic content. For adult readers.

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About the Author: Isabella William
Isabella William is, of course, an art student by heart. She had graduated Pratt University with an MFA in fine arts. However, after taking a short course on creative writing, Isabella has began writing as a form of a hobby. Even so, her hobby became a side job for her during her spare time. She now works as both a freelance artist, painting murals for the local schools around her neighborhood, and as a freelance writer for her community newspaper.
Over the last few years, my life has been a little confusing. I have encountered many men that promised me the world, only to discover their deep dark secrets that really should have been left undiscovered...

In my quest for the perfect man, I discovered that everyone has a secret that eventually comes to the surface. I had to go through several bad relationships, before finding the one that would actually work out for me.

In the end, it was the least expected person who I discovered really did love me and only me. That person opened up my eyes to reality and for that I grateful. You can go through life looking for something you may never find. Or you can open your eyes and find what has always been right there waiting for you.

If it seems too good to be true, then it usually is...Sometimes, real love is in that special friend who has been there through it all. Are you going take a chance? Or just walk away because it may become too hard or too different for you?

This book contains erotic content. Adult readership only.

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Price: $2.99 USD


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