Unlock the Bible's greatest enigma in "The 7 Year Tribulation Period." This insightful book deciphers End Time secrets, detailing pivotal events from Revelation, including the Rapture, Armageddon, and Jesus' return. Explore mysteries of the Antichrist and Mark of the Beast as time converges on the prophetic calendar. Discover how modern conflicts like the Gaza Invasion intersect with prophecy. Essential for understanding Israel's role and preparing for what lies ahead—a must-read for the pivotal era beginning 2024 AD.

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About the Author: Gerald Eastwood
Gerald Eastwood is a researcher and a writer. He has extensive background in decrypting intelligence and crytopgraphy.
The 7 Year Tribulation Period is the Bible’s greatest mystery. In this book End Time mysteries are solved – including major events that happen during in the Book of Revelation.

The Rapture of the church is covered. The return of Jesus at the end of the Great Tribulation is covered. The timing and the years of the events are covered.

This is a book of deep revelation and insight. Mysteries that have been closed for decades and centuries of time are revealed. Armageddon is discussed. The Mark of the Beast and the Antichrist are revealed. Time as we know it is almost over as we approach the times mentioned in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel.

What is the relationship of the Gaza Invasion to Bible Prophecy? The War between Israel and Hamas is a triggering event to Bible Prophecy. How does the Dome of the Rock relate to the Rapture of the Christian Church? What is Israel’s future? This book covers it all, and more. It is an essential read.

This is a survival manual. A must-read for the days very shortly to arrive in 2024 AD and beyond.

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Price: $2.99 USD


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