The Seventh Sorcerer: The Magic Crystals

In the seemingly mundane town of Chopville, Australia, lies an extraordinary secret. Among its residents are the world's six most powerful sorcerers, divided into two rival families. While peace seems to prevail in 2010, historical tensions linger. John Playman, a 14-year-old familiar with the magical wars of the past, is about to face a year like no other. Alongside his friends, he will confront adolescent challenges while unraveling a mystery that involves discovering the Seventh Sorcerer.

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About the Author: Stephen Hayes
Stephen Hayes lives and writes in Melbourne, Australia. Having been born partially blind in 1986 and lost his limited vision in 2000, he started writing stories at the age of eight, winning the Harold Dickinson Memorial Australian Literary Competition for a short story about a haunted house at the age of eleven. He completed his first novella in Braille at fourteen and by sixteen, had completed the first draft of 'The Seventh Sorcerer'.

Since 2002, Hayes has allowed his imagination to run wild with The Magic Crystals saga; sometimes pushing boundaries that today's somewhat moral society deem to sweep under the carpet. Although classified as fantasy genre due mainly to the prominent magic component, Hayes's writing also includes a good balance of drama, mystery, romance, humour, and he isn't afraid to address controversial moral issues.
On the surface, Chopville appears not unlike any other small town in rural Australia. However, its underbelly is more than extraordinary.

Amongst its modest community reside six people from two very different families -- they make up the six most powerful people in the world today. Branded as "Sorcerers", they are the only six people in the world with true magical power. Yet these two families do not cooperate together and although there is no open fighting in the year 2010, things weren't always that peaceful.

John Playman knows this as well as anyone; at the age of 14, he is familiar with the concept of magic, having been raised in a family heavily involved in the magical war 30 years earlier, even though he has never met any of the Sorcerers himself. This year, however, all that is about to change; John and a group of his school friends will find themselves in an unprecedented situation and carrying a responsibility almost too great to comprehend.

John and his cohorts struggle on two fronts with their hormones raging and with the discovery of whom among them is to become the Seventh Sorcerer.

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