The Stones of Decision

"The Stones of Decision" takes readers on a journey from ancient Egypt to the New Jerusalem, rooted in over 30 years of research. It challenges readers' assumptions and encourages deeper questioning. Authored by Charles Rice, a licensed pastor, the book aims to inspire a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, driven by his and his wife Meredith's passion for sharing God's love.

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The Stones of Decision is an easy journey both back in time to ancient Egypt
and forward in time to the coming of Revelation's New Jerusalem. The
compilation of over 30 years of research and study. The Stones of Decision,
may well answer questions the reader might never ask and cause the reader
to ask questions about the things he or she has taken for granted.
Charles Rice; author of The Joke's on Me and Other Stuff I Have Written
(another Wordclay title), is a licensed pastor with the Church of the
Brethren. For Charles and his wife, Meredith, evangelism sharing the Good
News of God's love is their motivation for life. This book was written in the
sincere hope that it might lead the reader to a closer relationship with Jesus

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Available in the following formats: .mp3 (in a .zip file)

Price: $6.99 USD


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