The Wisdom of John Paul II: The Pope on Life's Most Vital Questions

THE WISDOM OF JOHN PAUL II compiles key excerpts from papal writings throughout his papacy, including encyclicals, sermons, and addresses. Covering faith, morality, modern challenges, and human rights, it reflects the depth and insight of a man deeply devoted to serving God and humanity.

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About the Author: John Paul II
John Paul II, the 264th successor to Saint Peter, was pope for more than two decades. As leader of the world Catholics, his influence was felt by Christians and nonChristians alike -- indeed even by nonbelievers. Presidents and peasants alike the world over have come under his influence. By far the most traveled pontiff in the modern history of the church, delivered his speeches and homilies to audiences around the world in their native languages.
Contained in THE WISDOM OF JOHN PAUL II are essential excerpts from papal encyclicals, sermons, addresses, and other statements, both formal and occasional, from throughout his Holiness's papacy. They discuss, matters of faith and conscience, and range from the problems of Contemporary Spirituality and Morality to Progress in the Modern World and Human Rights -- all informed by the profound wisdom and deep understanding of a man who devoted his life to God and His peoples.

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Price: $8.95 USD


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