The WYTIWYG Theory: A book about Thought, Thinking, Magic and Miracles

"What have you done with your thoughts today, or has it been the other way around? The power of thought is immense, shaping our happiness and attitudes regardless of the external world. Realizing this control over our minds unveils our greatest power: What You Think Is What You Get (WYTIWYG). It's about the transformative realization that our attitudes stem from our thoughts."

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About the Author: Heine Wentzel
Life is a state of mind....

I have been thinking about this for decades now. I have presented workshops and seminars on the subject (quite a lot).

The thought "What if our lives were the result of our thinking? " has been the driving energy behind my endeavors and research and eventually resulted in the WYTIWYG Theory (What You Think Is What You Get).

This book is my humble contribution towards enabling people to take control of their thoughts and harness the energy that lies within them. Thereby creating magic and miracles that will lead them to a better understanding of their own power to create whatever life they desire.

There is great power there.....
What have you done with your thoughts today?

Or should the question rather be : What have your thoughts done with you today?

There is huge power in thought and thinking.

For example : What would happen when people realize that happiness is totally a result of your thinking and had nothing to do with the world around you? Do you think that, if we told them, that they would think differently?

Well, fact is that you have absolute control over your attitude. And your act of thinking creates your attitude. That is great power, once you've come to realize it.

What You Think Is What You Get - WYTIWYG,

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Price: $9.99 USD


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