About the Author: Herbert Purdy
Herbert Purdy had a successful business career from which he took early retirement, returning to his university to spend several years lecturing and conducting research commissioned by the United Kingdom government.
Already a published author, he is a writer and blogger about feminism at http://herbertpurdy.com.
As the father of two daughters and the grandfather of a boy and two girls, he stands implacably opposed to everything that feminism represents, arguing that it is the most far-reaching, divisive, and socially corrosive ideology that civilised nations have ever encountered.
Especially, he condemns feminism for what it is doing to children - and, even more especially - for the damage it is doing to boys.

Forty-five years after women’s liberationists first laid down their challenge, chanting ‘Women demand equality!’ and ‘I’m a second-class citizen’, their narratives are now so universally accepted that few people dare speak truth to the power in the land that feminism has undoubtedly become. However, this book does just that.
Opening with a startling revelation in 2014 by Mallory Millett, sister of Kate Millett - a mentally-ill Marxist apologist, and probably the prime mover in the women’s liberation movement around 1970 - Their Angry Creed is a detailed exposé of what she and her co-conspirators were planning from the start.
The author shows how these activists influenced a generation of women - many of whom are now in prominent and powerful positions - to seek a seismic shift in the power balance between women and men by dividing society along the fault line of gender.
Feminism has never been about equality for women. It is cultural Marxism, whose principles uphold matriarchy - the social superiority of women - which is to be achieved through the destruction of marriage, the re-engineering of the family, moving women en masse out of the home and into the workforce, and the disruption of society as we know it.
Describing how these activists have already secured unreasonable and unfair privilege for women and girls, he points to the demonisation of manhood, men’s effective social emasculation, the invasion of men’s social spaces to the point of harassment, and the relentless excision of fathers from families.
He ends by warning of a coming backlash from men.