Thintastic Drinks

"Thintastic Drinks" offers 250 low-calorie alcoholic beverage recipes, each ranging from 60 to 127 calories, tailored for the health-conscious consumer. Enjoy relaxing and fun nights out without compromising your waistline. Make smart drink choices and keep fitting into your favorite jeans!

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About the Author: Jennifer Dossett
Jennifer Dossett worked for years as a private mixologist for Diageo, a major spirits producers and marketer, helping develop new drink recipes for brand awareness. As drinking trends changed to a more calorie conscience clientele so did the bar industry. After becoming a Certified Nutritional Consultant, she combined her talents and created her first book, Thintastic Drinks, to help the educated consumer make healthier choices.

With 20 years of bartending and training experience, Jennifer Dossett has worked at well know venues in Dallas Texas such as Del Frisco's, Sambuca, The Dallas Stars Club, Humperdinks, TGI Fridays and Stampede.
As an educated consumer, you know that too much of a good thing, isn't so good on the waist line.

Thintastic Drinks is a unique recipe book of 250 delicious alcoholic beverages that have been altered to lower your calorie intake, while still allowing you to relax and have fun.

With recipes in the 60 to 127 calorie range, you can fight off that muffin top and still have a night out with your friends. So sit back and making smart decisions about the drinks you consume, you can enjoy life and still wear your favorite pair of jeans!

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .pdf, .mobi

Price: $9.99 USD


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