
After surviving a plane crash, Carole Turner and her husband Jim find their lives irrevocably altered. As they grapple with these changes, they face a heartrending decision: to part ways for their children's sake. Their future reunion remains uncertain. [TRACINGS] offers a deep dive into a 'what-if' scenario, echoing the emotional depth of Nicholas Sparks’ works. (RQuest review)

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About the Author: Michael J. Harris
Married, wife's name Claire
Carole Turner and her husband Jim survive a plane crash only to discover that their lives are changed in ways they could not even imagine. As they struggle to understand and to cope with those changes, they come to a painful decision: they must go their separate ways to save their children.

And only time will tell whether they will ever see each other again.

[TRACINGS] is..."an exploration of a 'what-if' situation that forces the reader to consider his or her own life choices and values... The tone and theme [of TRACINGS] remind [this reviewer] of Nicholas Sparks' romance novels..." (RQuest review.)

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