Transgenderism: A Case Study of the Movie TRANSAMERICA

This guide accompanies the Weinstein Company's movie, TRANSAMERICA, offering a scene-by-scene exploration of transgender issues for both mental health professionals and laypeople. It serves as a modern educational course with CE credits for professionals and enlightens others on transgenderism, including risks and resources. Covering definitions, assessments, and treatments, it also addresses the "Hollywood effect" in portraying transgender experiences. A valuable tool for understanding transgenderism through entertainment.

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About the Author: Francine R. Goldberg,
Francine R. Goldberg received her Ph.D. from the Rehabilitation Counseling Program at New York University (NYU), following her doctoral research, Academic Achievement Bias among Community Mental Health Workers. She has more than 30 years of experience in the field of mental health and psychiatric rehabilitation, including counseling, supervision, administration, staff development, clinical risk management, graduate and undergraduate teaching on the adjunct faculties at NYU and the City University of New York, Lehman College, and multiple national and international publications, as well as presentations that address topics in mental health, psychiatric rehabilitation and the use of multimedia in the delivery of mental health services. She holds a CRC, NCC, DCC, LMHC, LPC and LRC.
This guide is designed to be used as a companion to the Weinstein Company movie, TRANSAMERICA. It presents a unique and entertaining learning opportunity for both mental health professionals and those who are not trained in mental health. It brings to life the issues transgender people face with its scene-by-scene information about the movie. For mental health professionals it serves as an entertaining up-to-date course with an opportunity to earn continuing education credits. For non-mental health professionals it allows the movie to be an entertaining vehicle that educates readers to recognize and understand transgenderism; know the potential risks to individuals, relationships with families, friends, co-workers and fellow students; and to know about resources for a safe and productive life.
It will explain, demonstrate and guide participants in the application of knowledge about transgenderism, including definitions, assessment, DSM diagnosistic issues, gender reassignment surgery, standards of care, trauma, victimization, medical and mental health treatment addressing family, parenting, vocational, substance abuse and HIV issues. The movie portrays a textbook example of a person who is transitioning from a male to a female and is valuable for learning about transgenderedism. It should be emphasized that the "Hollywood effect" may tend to over/under exaggerate the issues.