Tune-Up and Thrive: Sharing Secrets to Total Health and Wellness

"Tune-Up and Thrive" by Dr. Ed Chicoine and Tim Scapillato is a unique blend of fiction and wellness wisdom, offering a fresh perspective on health care. It advocates for a holistic approach to wellness, emphasizing the balance between body, mind, emotions, and soul for optimal health. The narrative follows fictional characters on a transformative journey, equipping readers with tools for a healthier, happier life. This book challenges conventional views on health and aging, aiming to extend the quality of life beyond just longevity.

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About the Author: Dr. Ed Chicoine
Dr. Ed Chicoine is a chiropractor from Wakefield, Quebec, Canada. He has been practicing for the past 25 years. During that time he has amassed a wealth of knowledge on how to nurture the body's internal health care system.

Dr. Chicoine formulated the "secrets" to health and wellness which people could easily incorporate into their lifestyles. This has the potential to change the way that we view what we refer to as "health care". This was even before the emergence of the current health
care crisis.

Dr. Chicoine and his family live their lives according to the principles in
this book. In May 2011 they embarked upon the Marathon of Health, a run across both Canada and the United States, in an effort to raise awareness of health and wellness issues. This undertaking is an example of what the human body and spirit can achieve, simply by incorporating the
ideas contained in this book into your lifestyle.
Tune-Up and Thrive is a fictional story with a very real and powerful message. Co-authored by Dr. Ed Chicoine and Tim Scapillato, this book contains a compelling message: it offers a different way to look at health and wellness, and it outlines a strategy for dealing with the current health care crisis.

The vast majority of people want to live a long life but nobody wants to grow old. Good health means different things for everyone, but one thing that is abundantly evident in our North American society is that, for many people, the health span does not equal the life span.

Tune-Up and Thrive explains the crucial interplay among body, mind, emotions and soul. Nourish only one of them at the expense of the others and true wellness will never be achieved. But nourish all of them to the fullest and optimum health and wellness—and a long and healthy life—are within the reach of anyone.

Tune-up and Thrive was created to inspire, entertain and inform. Follow our fictional characters on a journey of discovery. Along the way you will be given tools to create a life full of health and happiness.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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