Understanding the Language of Silence - Sleep, Sleep Behavior and Sleep Disorders

Dive into the essential world of sleep with this enlightening book. It's not just about experiencing "a divine nap"; sleep is a vital aspect of life, enriching our mood and organ function. Spend one-third of your life actively improving your rest. Uncover the psycho-social and neurological aspects of sleep, and explore the rising pathology of sleep disorders in modern life. Transform your nights into a vibrant phase of life with unique solutions for restorative sleep.

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About the Author: Dr. Amrit Lal
Dr. Lal is a Specialist in Community Medicine specializing in Geriatrics and Public Health Epidemiology. He has done extensive work in the field of his specializations with various governments, international organizations, professional bodies and universities in Asia, Africa and the United States. In the United States he has worked for the State of Georgia (for Public Health Division), the State of Maine (for CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Augusta) and in the State of Washington. He has also been a panelist/consultant for Institute of International Health, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA.

Beside a Doctorate and a number of professional qualifications and registrations in his field, Dr. Lal has a couple of postgraduate degrees from India and an honor bachelor degree from Pretoria (South Africa). He was admitted as a Fellow of Royal Society of Health, London, in 1979.

Dr. Lal has authored over 170 publications which have appeared in different parts of the world and have been taken note of by universities in Europe, US and Africa and by a number of professional bodies, medical associations, academies of science, demographic and eugenics societies in the UK and US . His papers have also been translated into French, Hungarian and Italian languages.

BOOKS ON GERATRICS (Print and digital format) AUTHORED BY Dr. A. LAL

1. Escape from Hell - Your Guide to Sleep and Sleep Disorders.(2003)*/
2. PAIN : Managing the Unmanageable.(2003)**/
3. Understanding Major Pains.(2003)**/
4. Heart Attacks - Silent, Violent and Recurrent.(2005)*/
5. A Heart too good to loose - For Anyone to Undergo Heart Surgery*/ (2005)

*/Also being processed for digital editions.

This book is on SLEEP, but not to "sell sleep" because everyone wants a good night sleep - "a divine nap." Human beings spend one-third of their lives in sleep; they take sleep for guaranteed as a natural gift of life as air and water to enable realize their potential, and, not as a luxury.
Sleep is one's life greatest pleasure that enriches virtually every aspect of our being - from our mood to the functioning of our organs. This being so, this presentation treats sleep not as an altogether passive state of quiescence but as an active and vibrant phase of life with inroads into psycho-social and neurological avenues of sleep while unraveling many aspects of sleep which include pathology of sleep disorders which are on the rise perhaps as a price for modernity.

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Price: $2.99 USD


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