Unlock the Secret to Manifesting Your Desires and Living in Abundance: The Power of Visualization

Do you ever feel stuck, seeing others achieve their dreams while your efforts seem fruitless? It's not magic or mere luck that sets these successful people apart. This book unlocks the secret they're using: the law of attraction. Learn how to harness this powerful principle to bring your desires—be it wealth, love, health, or career success—into reality. It's time to stop wishing and start manifesting, using the innate power within you. We'll guide you through tapping into this potent resource for your gain.

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About the Author: Michelle Steven
Michelle Steven owns a small bookstore in Richmond, Virginia. After going through many hard times, including a divorce and the loss of a parent, Michelle was able to pull herself out of a deep depression and get her life back on track. She has remarried and has a child on the way. She also will give lectures about how to apply the Law of Attraction to get what you want.
Everybody has wishes and desires. Sometimes no matter how hard you work, you just never seem to get the things that you want and what makes this so frustrating is that you see other people, who are not working as hard as you are, and they are getting their wishes fulfilled.

It is not magic, and although there are a few who have probably just been lucky enough to stumble over their hearts desires, luck is also not the cause of their success.

Chances are, those people are using a secret used by many, the secret that we are going to share with you in this book, the secret of the law of attraction, and how to use it to get the things that you want. If you want a better car, a new boat, more money, a raise, a better relationship, a new relationship, a new career or better health, the law of attraction will help you.

Stop wishing for things to happen; and make them happen. You have the power within you, your inner energy. We will show you how to tap into that resource and use to your benefit.

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Price: $4.99 USD


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