Unspoken Words - A Journey Through Grief

In this poignant collection, a young woman navigates the depths of her grief, exploring not just the pain of loss, but the profound changes it brings. Through poetry and journal entries, she shares her journey to understanding grief as a transformative path, beyond the loss of a loved one, faith, and a former way of life. This book aims to offer solace and insights for others on their own paths, serving as a guide to finding words for the unspeakable and moving beyond sorrow.

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About the Author: Bryr Brannigan
I am an Australian Adventurer (that's keeping it on the sunny side of life). Whether it was my choice to have as much adventure as I have had is a different story. I have lived in several countries including New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. Life has certainly dealt me it's fair share of 'unfortunate events'. Going through and overcoming these events has given me quite an interesting array of experiences.

I've worked as a shop assistant, carpet cleaner, cotton farmer, carer, taxi driver, dairy farmer, delivery driver...this list goes on. I've lived in some of the hottest climates, seen huge floods, dealt with snakes and spiders, resided in caravans during freezing winters, driven on icy, snowy roads, gotten frost nip, met some fascinating people, made some amazing friends...but also suffered some huge losses.

It is my faith in God, my parents, my wonderful friends and these losses that make me who I am today, and give me what I have to offer. Hopefully, from one person to another, I am able to help someone along, at least as far as I have come.
A well written collection of poetry and journalings about the grief of a young woman, and her very real, inspiring journey through that grief. Of how she came to realize exactly that, it was a journey. That the grief she suffered was so much more than the loss of a loved one, it was the loss of faith...the loss of a way of life...and the discovery that you can live beyond it.

Grief in one form or another is an inevitable journey that each person will go through at one stage or other on this road called life. It is the author's hope that this book help people along their 'road'. To perhaps help them find words they struggle to find and voice emotions they hold deep inside. That maybe, the lessons she has learned will help them not only through their grief, but beyond it.

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .pdf, .mobi

Price: $6.99 USD


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