About the Author: Pj Fay
Pj Fay is a Channel of The Divine Light.
This comes in many different forms, such as Angel Readings, Creative Projects, Consulting, Teaching and Healing. Always and in all ways, all her sessions are for Your Highest and Best and with Unconditional Love.
She has been in the metaphysical and healing arts for over 25 years.
Her connection and relationship with Divine Guidance began when she was a little girl, and at the age of 23, had a Divine Visitation. "I was filled and surrounded with Love/Light and Peace that is indescribable and was life changing in the most glorious ways!"
Since that moment it has been her passion to bring love, wisdom and enlightenment to others...with the ultimate goal being Heaven and Peace, within, and on Earth.
She has studied extensively with far too many classes, workshops and courses to name, and has many certifications. She has been an Energy Healer since 1988 and a Certified Hypnotherapist since 1995. In 1998 she began her studies of Huna and the Adventurer Tradition of Hawaiian Shamanism, and in 2001 was Ordained as an Alakai (an Ordained Spiritual Leader) with Aloha International. Since then she has also become a Certified Dynamind Practitioner (a powerful healing technique using tapping, also with Aloha International) a Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Certified as an Advanced Angel Messenger and a One Command Practitioner.
"I have dug deep and done the work, my own self- work. I have over 29 years of sobriety and have transformed my life.
My Divine Guidance very strongly directed me to each of the tools I use today. They are specific to bringing you a deeper connection with yourself and your Divine Guidance, and are the ones that are the most effective and empowering, and that will help you fully realize Self-Love.
It is my dream and mission to help millions of others make their dreams come true and achieve the joy and bliss I have, and that's so easily accessible to each of us!
I love to help others create a life better than you can even imagine!
Join me in the delight of a magical adventure!"
Wishing many Blessings for you and yours,
Pj Fay

Up To You! is a delightful journey about creating your dreams come true!
Join Pj, and her little dog Charlie, on the beach building sandcastles when the Sun beams brightly and speaks to them. The Sun tells them how much they are loved, and along the way, shares the secrets to consciously creating happiness and fulfilling your heart's desires.
Also joining in are a friendly wizard, his cute baby dragon and 7 charming animal friends, all helping you to discover the simple way to create the life you want!
Based on true experiences, ancient wisdom, and higher Divine Intelligence, this is a story you will want to read over and over again; each time gaining new insights and many 'a-ha!' moments as you realize the depth and magnitude of this 'Light' read.
This magical tale is for men and women, and boys and girls, of all ages. Yes, everyone from age 1 to 100+ will benefit from the easy to use and practical knowledge found within these pages.
It is can also be used as a wonderful workbook, or better yet, play-by-play book, that would be an asset in classes from kindergarten to college in "Successful Life Skills 101"!
Enjoy the journey, and allow and receive for yourself...and better than you can even imagine!