Wheat Fields

"Wheat Fields" explores the profound social changes stemming from the mobile combine harvester, paralleling inquiries into life's essence and God's presence. It delves into how God communicates and our ability to perceive Divine Intervention, particularly in mundane settings like wheat farming. This story encourages readers to recognize and respond to God's presence in everyday life, highlighting extraordinary elements within ordinary contexts. Join in celebrating life's depth through the lens of wheat farming and divine encounters.

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About the Author: Joseph A. Byrne
Raised in rural Essex County, Joseph Byrne learned the ethics of hard work by living everyday life on the farm. With an Irish/Canadian father and a Lithuanian mother, education and honest living were values instilled in Joseph and his four brothers at a very young age.

Aside from a continued love of farming, Joe managed to obtain a
Masters of Geography and later a Law Degree from the University of Windsor. Over the years, his voice has been heard throughout the community, from local sports to municipal politics.

Spending his time living one busy moment to the next, family life
remains the root of his happiness and inspiration. This is what he
loves and what fulfills his life--wife, children, grandchildren and
Wheat Fields is the story about the social trauma of change brought on by the introduction of the mobile combine harvester. On another level, the story is about the very meaning of life. Of particular interest is the concept of God. How does God enter into our lives? How does God communicate with us? Do we have the skill to recognize situations where God is trying to communicate with us? Would we recognize Divine Intervention even if we saw it happening?
Wheat Fields suggests the best chance to encounter God is in the ordinary circumstances of life. The book demonstrates real examples of Divine Intervention in a very ordinary occupation, namely, wheat farming. The question to us is this: when God appears in our lives or offers to help, do we respond to it? An even more basic question is whether we even recognize that God is there offering to help us. I invite you to enjoy a very good story, and to celebrate the extraordinary dimensions of life that are demonstrated both here and in the very ordinary circumstances of your own lives.

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Price: $3.99 USD


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