About the Author: Raymond Head
Raymond is thoroughly convinced that a legacy of money cannot replace a heritage of dignity. Inherently, “Mother Afrika” instructs us to “Know Thyself.”
He avidly studies Afrika because he can’t know his history or heritage without her. Without that knowledge, he can’t know himself or sufficiently aid our children in knowing who they are, where they come from, and where they still must go.
His outstanding work, From Plight to Promise, provides a foundation based on valuable insight and firsthand knowledge through eyewitness accounts. His extensive research and travels to our Ancestral homeland have allowed him to see, touch, and experience things that most people can only read about or imagine.
Raymond’s first love is fitness training, he enjoys gardening, motorcycling, and writing. Writing is his way of exposing and countering the devastating systemic attacks on our children, in addition to arming them for generations to come.

If you think America is the land of the free or a valuable gem, then you should be Black and experience it like them. Black Americans possess an inner strength and sensitivity that is unmatched. If this power is aggressively and productively utilized, Black Americans and the Entire World will have a new experience.
WHY?- Is an insightful and conviction-inspiring narrative, that exposes and confronts the crimes of our nation and the complacency of a people that have contributed to the betrayal and broken promises to our children.
WHY?- Shares reflections of greatness and highlights models for the development of human potentiality in our Black youth of yesterday and today.
WHY?- Answers one of the most controversial questions of our times regarding “Critical Race Theory.”
WHY?- Addresses our children’s mental and physical health and explains how the body and mind are unequaled in complexity and unlimited in potential.
WHY- Exposes the complex interactions of large-scale societal systems, practices, ideologies, and programs that produce and perpetuate inequities for racial minorities.
WHY?- Highlights several reasons Black families are now facing multiple challenges and why preparing our children for a changing world is crucial.
WHY?- Explains the ideology and terminology of “Black Lives Matter” and the word “Woke.” What they were, what they have become, and why.
Ultimately, the question of why is answered in living color, confirming that its incumbent upon us to prepare our children today for what’s to come tomorrow. That makes the crucial content and directed purpose of WHY? “Unapologetically Necessary.”
Ase (It is so)