Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embrace Your Differences and Transform Your Life

Sari Solden's "Women with Attention Deficit Disorder" illuminates the often overlooked struggles of women with AD/HD, who don't fit the hyperactive male stereotype. This groundbreaking book explores the unique challenges they face, including depression, anxiety, and societal pressures, providing a path toward empowerment. With real-life stories, it examines treatment options, and the importance of restructuring life, renegotiating relationships, and redefining self-image. The revised edition includes a new chapter on friendship challenges, offering insight and strategies for women to thrive with AD/HD.

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About the Author: Sari Solden
Sari Solden, MS LMFT, a psychotherapist in private practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has worked with adults with AD/HD and their partners for over 25 years. Sari is the author of Women with Attention Deficit Disorder (Revised 2nd edition 2005) and Journeys Through ADDulthood, 2002. She is a prominent speaker at both national and international AD/HD conferences, serves on the professional advisory board of ADDA, has served on the program conference committee for national CHADD and is a past recipient of ADDA's award for outstanding service by a helping professional. Her areas of specialization include inattentive AD/HD, women's issues, as well as the long term counseling issues for adults not diagnosed until adulthood. Sari currently hosts and presents on www.ADDJourneys.com, her online community for adults with AD/HD.
Women with Attention Deficit Disorder, psychotherapist Sari Solden's, groundbreaking book, explains how every year, millions of withdrawn little girls and chronically overwhelmed women go undiagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder because they don't fit the stereotypical profile: they're not fast-talking, hyperactive, or inattentive, and they are not male.

This pioneering book explores treatment and counseling options, and uses real-life case histories to examine the special challenges women with AD/HD face, such as the shame of not fulfilling societal expectations. Solden explains that AD/HD affects just as many women as men, and often results in depression, disorganization, anxiety, and underachievement.

Included in this revised edition is a brand new chapter on friendship challenges for women with AD/HD. Three empowering steps — restructuring one's life, renegotiating relationships, and redefining self-image — help women take control of their lives and enjoy success on their own terms.

"Sari Solden has used her personal and professional experience to shine some light into the dark closet inhabited by far too many ADD women... She empowers ADD women by validating their experience as worthwhile human beings who struggle with serious organizational problems in many areas of their lives." (Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo, authors of You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy")

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Price: $9.99 USD


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