World War IV: Militant Islam's Battle For World Domination

A small yet significant faction within Islam aims to establish a global Islamic Caliphate, viewing the U.S. as their main obstacle. Well-funded and motivated, they label the U.S. the "Great Satan." As the West grapples with economic issues, unity and a commitment to democracy in the Middle East may be our best defense. Embracing militancy when needed, we face a critical battle for our way of life in what could be dubbed World War IV.

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About the Author: Sheldon Cohen
Sheldon Cohen M.D. FACP is a specialist in internal medicine, has served as Medical Director of a large suburban Chicago medical center and two Health Maintenance Organizations, taught physical diagnosis and internal medicine at two Chicago area medical schools, and served as a quality consultant to hospitals in the United States, Europe and South America.
Militant Islamic believers represents a small, but significant percentage of those who embrace the Muslim religion, it is powerful, well financed, and according to their own statements, hopeful of destroying the United States who they see as the Great Satan, the usurper of Muslim lands, the pilferer of Muslim resources and the one obstacle that stands in the way of their stated goal—an Islamic Caliphate controlling the entire world.

And as the West is occupied by economic problems and burgeoning debt, will we really be in a position to resist? At this point in time, it looks like our only option is to unite ourselves, solve our economic problems, struggle to encourage democratic forms of government in the Middle East, remain as militant as our enemies are when necessary, and realize that we are in a fight for our way of life (World War IV)—and our very lives.

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