Straight-Line Leadership: Tools for Living with Velocity and Power in Turbulent Times

"Straight-Line Leadership" by Dusan Djukich introduces potent straight-line coaching for achieving power and velocity in life and work. Offering transformative insights, it teaches powerful distinctions for overcoming personal and professional challenges. Ideal for CEOs, small business owners, parents, or anyone aiming to make a difference, this guide helps solve pressing problems with precision. Praised for challenging conventional beliefs, it's a catalyst for peak performance.

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About the Author: Dusan Djukich
Dusan Djukich is co-founder and a Senior Partner for Corporate Reinvention Associates, a global coaching firm that specializes in individual and organizational performance. He is the creator and developer of Straight-Line Coaching technologies. For the last twenty-four years, Dusan has been privileged to work with more than 5,000 entrepreneurs, senior -level executives and highly committed individuals from all walks of life in creating never-before-reached results with his unconventional coaching style. He lives in Northern California and can be contacted through
Straight-Line Leadership: Tools for Living with Velocity and Power in Turbulent Times is Dusan Djukich's highly anticipated introduction to his potent world of straight-line coaching. Within these pages he dramatically unveils exactly what it takes to live a powerful and effective life both personally and professionally. Regardless if you are a CEO, small business owner, parent, or someone who simply wants to make a difference, you will learn to master powerful distinctions that you can apply immediately to resolve the challenges that you are presently up against. You will also become adept at assisting others in solving their most pressing problems with precision and grace.

"This book boldly demonstrates why Djukich is regarded as the ultimate performance catalyst to business. He simply kicks the hell out of the sacred cows that keep individuals and businesses stuck." Brandon Craig, CEO, BiltRite Corporation

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Price: $9.99 USD


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